Thank you Charline and Laure!
Thank you Charline and Laure! Charline and Laure have each finished their respective 6-month Master 2 Internship. We wish to…
We investigate how marine organisms integrate environmental and endocrine signals to operate timely molecular, cellular, developmental, and physiological processes (e.g. metamorphosis) and critical life-history transitions (e.g. larval recruitment).
We develop integrative approaches on multiple levels of biological organisation, from individual transcriptomics, endocrinology, physiology, histology, morphometrics and behavior, to population dynamics, species interactions and community resilience.
We examine the inner molecular mechanisms (e.g. endocrine disruption) through which environmental stressors can affect the development, physiology, and ecology of marine organisms and the dynamics and resilience of marine ecosystems.
Our lab is located on the Côte Vermeille
Thank you Charline and Laure! Charline and Laure have each finished their respective 6-month Master 2 Internship. We wish to…
Our funded research project MEGASETE has been featured in Sciences & Avenir, a french popular journal about science
We’re on the field this week! Laurence and Marc, with our collaborators from MARBEC and PNMGL will dive in Paulilles…
ECOBIM 2024 at Banyuls-sur-Mer The 19th ECOBIM annual meeting has just finished. This year, it took place at home, in…
We’re on the field with students near Paris today Today, Marc is near Paris, with Master Students from Sorbonne University…
New customized double choice flume tanks have just arrived We have just received two customized double choice flume tanks from…
The field sampling season has started The 2024 field sampling season has started! This year we have two main objectives…